It must be admit that microwaves and food are a pair in many modern homes because of the convenience and speed of the process. Just tear open the bag, pour it into a container, close the lid. And put it in the microwave for a few minutes. You will have hot food ready to eat without having to waste time turning on the gas stove. However, one thing that you must be especially careful about is choosing the right container to put in the microwave. Because choosing the wrong type of container risks contaminants that melt into the food. Including shortening the lifespan of the product. Let’s see what kind of containers are safe and can be use in the microwave.

Ceramic cup, tile cup
Ceramic cups or plates and bowls made from ceramics, including ceramic containers such as ceramic cups and plates, can be use safely in the microwave. However, be careful with cups and bowls that have been paint or decorat. With color coatings because if they are not produce to standard, when expos to high heat, these colors may melt and contaminate the food. This includes ceramic containers with edges decorated or painted with silver or gold patterns. Both of these types of colors have the ability to reflect microwaves. Which may cause your microwave to deteriorate or shorten its lifespan.
Plastic box
Plastic is one of the items on the list that should not be put in the microwave. However, there are some types of plastic that can be put in the microwave. Which is plastic type 5: PP (Polypropylene) , which is durable, tough, flexible, โปรโมชั่น ufabet and resistant to impact. Before putting plastic in the microwave, don’t forget to flip it over and look for the symbol indicating the type of plastic. Or look for the Microwavable or Microwave Safe symbol.
Glass cup
Glass is made from sand, which has the property of being able to withstand high heat. All types of glass cups and containers can be heat in a microwave. But be careful with glass cups that have decorative patterns.
Paper packaging
Nowadays, many restaurants are turning to paper packaging. Paper boxes, wax and plastic-coat paper cups can be put in the microwave, but must be heat at low heat only. Other papers such as paper bags, bagasse paper. And various eco-friendly products should not be put in the microwave because they may cause sparks. For those who want to heat food in paper boxes, it is recommend that you turn the box over to find the Microwave Safe symbol. Or if you want to be the safest, change to other containers before heating.
In summary, containers that can be heat in a microwave without danger, explosion, fire. And free of contaminants include glass, ceramic, tile, type 5 plastic (PP), and some types of paper packaging.
As for containers that should absolutely not be put into. They are all types of plastic containers and products (except PP), metal, aluminum foil, foam boxes, and melamine.